Creating journals
In Stuudium, teachers create their own journals at the beginning of each school year.
To create a journal, do the following:
- Click on "Create a new journal" on the “Journals” page (the teacher homepage)
- Pick a subject from the drop-down menu
- If necessary, you can add an extra label to the journal ("Group 3" or something similar); this is not required.
- Pick the form the journal is for
- In case the journal is for the whole form, leave the "all students" option selected. In case the journal is for a smaller group, click on “pick students” and pick the students in the group
- Pick a grading cycle (in case there is only one option, skip this step)
- Click the “Create journal” save button. You can now see your new journal on the front page.
How many journals do I need?
In case you teach subjects for whole forms (and not groups), you usually need one journal per form.
In case you teach subjects in groups, you need to create a journal for each group. Please note that a group can also have students from a number of forms, but students should only be combined in a journal if they all have lessons at the same time.
Journals last the whole school year — you do not need to create a new journal for each grading cycle (trimester, semester etc).
Picking a subject
If your subject does not appear on the list of subject, please contact your local administrator(s) - they can add the subject to the list
Teachers in journals
Please note that the number of teachers in a journal is not limited. This means that any co-teachers or assistant teachers can also be added, and they will have full access to the journal.